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For actor-lab to communicate with a RCX the RoboLab firmware must first be downloaded to it. (You do not have to write any programs in RoboLab.)

The current version of actor-lab requires a serial connection to the RCX tower, however it can be via a USB-serial converter so the Mac or PC does not have to have a serial output.

Actor-lab requires constant communication with the brick. This means that you have to mount the RCX vertically for models that move about, and hold the tower in some form of gantry.

The advantage of having a permanent link is that the interface can show the states of all the inputs as they change, together with information about the program. You can see which state the actors are in, and when they send messages.

The constant communication between the tower and the RCX will run the tower battery down relatively quickly. Use a rechargeable PP9 battery, or modify the tower to run off a 9 volt supply if you are not concerned about the guarantee.